The Board of Directors

EWB’s Board of Directors is made up of today’s top thinkers in systemic innovation and international development.

EWB is developing a board and governance structures that are diverse, inclusive and reflective of the global community it has built over the course of 20 years and supports EWB’s strategy. Our Board of Directors is comprised of emerging talent and leading representatives from the fields of systemic innovation and international development.

The Board of Directors oversees management and the organization’s strategic and operational plans, annual budgets and financial reports. The Board helps establish and enable EWB’s strategic direction and share recommendations for improvement to EWB General Members during our Annual General Meetings.

Scroll down to learn more about the members of EWB Canada’s Board.


Direct Responsibilities:

  • Exercising fiduciary responsibilities.
  • CEO / Executive management issues (recruitment, evaluation, termination and mentoring);
  • Board Succession.
  • Upholding, and when necessary reshaping, the mission and bylaws.
  • Protecting the organization from external threats.
  • Ensuring the organization is in compliance with laws and regulations.

The board participates in establishing strategic direction and priorities and further approves any:

  • Strategic plans.
  • Operational plans.
  • Annual budgets.
  • Quarterly and annual financial reports.
  • Committees Terms of Reference, Chairs, and Members.
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