Bill S-216, Bill C19, and a Day of Action
This weekend, 75 passionate EWBers are going to Ottawa. They have been meeting with their representatives to discuss Bill C19 (Budget Implementation Act) and Bill S-216 (Effective and Accountable Charities Act). They are now coming together to collectively speak out and during a day of action.
Over the past 18 months, we were received with overwhelming support across parliament on the recommendation that provisions from Bill S-216, The Effective and Accountable Charities Act, be passed into law. We heard some reservations on mechanisms to keep charities accountable and to protect public funding to charities that we believe are possible to incorporate into the act.
The recommendations were so welcomed, that in her 2022 budget paper, Minister Freeland committed that changes to the Income Tax Act would be made to reflect the spirit of Bill S216 on the reform of Direction and Control requirements when charities work with non-qualified donees.
Indeed the BIA was presented as an alternate route to pass the spirit of Senate Bill S-216, The Effective and Accountable Charities Act. Prior to the BIA, Bill S-216 had passed through the Senate, and through First Reading in the House of Commons.
Regrettably, as written, the Budget Implementation Act literally goes against the spirit of Bill S216 by creating greater restrictions and reporting duties for Charities when working with non-qualified donees. Transparently, it was shocking to us that such a departure between what was said and what was written could even occur.
It is a shocking and incomprehensible reversal.
It is absolutely essential that the Budget Implementation Act, 2022 (the “BIA”) act be amended before being passed into law to address new rules that will govern partnerships between registered charities and non-qualified donees (NQD). We have reviewed the BIA copy in detail and we are proposing changes to three (3) sections of the Budget Implementation Act. They are outlined in the attached pages.
Here is the initial Bill S216 policy brief presented by EWB Canada:
Here is the current Bill C19 policy brief presented in response to changes pertaining to concerns raised by Bill S216: