Engineers of Tomorrow reframes the external and internal expectations of the engineering community to encourage more effective, sustainable, and equitable practices.
Since 2012, EWB has nurtured EoT in its pursuit to grow the field of engineering, and help future engineers recognize their potential global contribution. Following EWB’s belief that engineers can play a pivotal role in creating systems-changing solutions to poverty, EoT set out to prove engineering it is not only a highly technical profession, but a creative one that offers technical capability and critical thinking to help overcome systemic barriers to social and economic prosperity.
As of October 1, 2018, Engineers of Tomorrow (EoT) takes flight as an independent not-for-profit organization after being incubated by EWB for five years.
During the past five years, with EWB’s support, EoT successfully:
- Tripled the number of National Engineering Month (NEM) events in Ontario while building a strong financial reserve
- More than doubled the size of the Engineers-In-Residence program over 3 years
- As members and supporters of the Engineering Change Lab, EoT lead and facilitated initiatives on Diversity and Clear Pathways from K-12 to Engineering
- Revamped strategy of all outreach programs to include evidence-based insights, influencing over 250,000 young people with a focus on creating positive experiences around science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
The future of EoT
Moving forward, EoT is focused on educating kids from grades K to 12 about the leadership and systems-changing impact they can create as engineers. We believe engaging this demographic is incredibly important.
We look forward to welcoming the next generation of social-impact-driven engineers into our global community, equipped to catalyze our organizational efforts to create systems of equality, inclusion and opportunity.
We look forward to redefining our relationship with EoT and wish them incredible success.