Piers Cumberlege
Piers Cumberlege has had an international career working in and with multi-national corporations, private equity, governments and civil society organisations across Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. Currently Vice-Chair of the Investment Committee of Global Sustainable Capital Management; Head of UK for professional services firm All You Need for Growth; Director of global sustainability consultancy South Pole Group. Formerly Head of Partnership at the World Economic Forum.
Piers has significant experience in Sustainable Economic Development. He was Head of Direct Investments at Moscow-based Delta Capital, managing a large multi-sector portfolio. More recently he co-managed the Canada Investment Fund for Africa. In 2009 he established an SME social venture fund in West Africa.
Piers has a strong personal engagement in civil society: formerly Director of CARE Canada, Chair of CARE Enterprise Partners; currently Investment Committee of Engineers Without Borders; advises and participates in Crossroads Foundation’s A Day in the Life of a Refugee simulation.
MA Oxford, business degree Coventry & GEC, ICD.D McGill/ICD. Speaks a number of languages. Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Canada.